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Question {{ questionNumber }}

Publication of your product evaluation

The self-declared data you submit to us will be used to create a general Charcoal Bag Score for your individual charcoal products uploaded via the Charcoal Transparency survey. The Charcoal Bag score will give Europe’s charcoal industry and Europe’s consumers a tool to compare the level of responsibility between commercially available charcoal products.

The Charcoal Bag Score consists of:

The company engagement score; is an indicator of a company’s will to bring responsible products to the market. The company may be a retailer, a trader or a producer and the score is based on different criteria depending on what type of company it is for.

The product and supply chain score; is an indicator of the level of transparency regarding the origin of the raw materials of your product and all the nodes of the supply chain. The score is a combination of the product transparency and the supply chain transparency.

The publication of the score is done by Earthworm Foundation after a checking and validation of the provided information.

For more information on how the EF scoring methodology is conducted please click here.

The Charcoal Bag score of your charcoal products will be publically available on www.charcoal-transparency.org .

For further questions please consult EF Charcoal Transparency Survey FAQs.

Data confidentiality

The information you will provide will be treated with outmost confidentiality. Please click here to read the full “Terms and conditions” underlying this survey.

The product information you provided will be published on the www.charcoal-transparency.org .

The information we receive via the excel file will remain confidential and only be used by Earthworm Foundation to evaluate your charcoal product transparency level - which will appear as a scoring on www.charcoal-transparency.org .

If you agree to the following questions the information you provided will be published under www.charcoal-transparency .org . This will enable you to increase your product visibility via the charcoal transparency initiative.

If you do not agree to the following questions, no information will be published online or processed by Earthworm Foundation.

{{ form_start(form) }} {% set responseFormGroup %} {{ form_row(form.response) }} {% endset %} {{ responseFormGroup|replace({'#CHARCOAL_LINK#':'www.charcoal-transparency.org'}) |raw }}
{{ form_start(form) }}
Previous {{ form_widget(form.next) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
{% endblock %} {% block progressBar %}
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