{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% block body %}

Question {{ questionNumber }}

In this section we ask you for transparency information about your charcoal product supply chains.

We ask you for full transparency, from the forest to the retailer. Together with you we want to work for a transparent and responsible charcoal market in Europe and world-wide. Therefore, it is of upmost importance that the origin of the charcoal product as well as the wood resources used to produce the charcoal, are known, transparent and communicated to the consumer .

To provide your product’s supply chain transparency information, we ask you to fill out the excel file “EF_Charcoal_Supply_Chain_Questionnaire”.

1. Please download the excel file

2. Please fill out the excel file - you can also Save your survey progress and resume later by clicking on “Save and Finish later”

3. Save the excel file on your computer

4. Upload the excel file again by clicking on “Browse”

The information we ask comprises all elements of a thorough supply chain traceability exercise. In addition, it can be understood as a first step towards a due diligence exercise as pre-determined by the European Timber Regulation (EUTR).

We invite you to fill the excel file with information regarding your products listed in the product section (previous section) of the survey.

Once completed, please upload the excel file here. The information we receive via the excel file will remain confidential and only be used for us to evaluate your transparency level - which will appear as a scoring on the CTI platform, online available under www.charcoal-transparency .org. If you wish to learn more about our scoring methodology, click here.

None of your confidential supply chain information will be shared to any third party. You may consult our Terms & Conditions regarding data confidentiality following this link.

Thank you very much.

{{ form_start(form) }} {{ form_row(form.fileName) }} {% if lastFilename != '' %}

Last uploaded file: {{ lastFilename }}

{% endif %}
{{ form_start(form) }}
Previous {{ form_widget(form.next) }} Skip and go to next question >>
{{ form_end(form) }}
{{ form_end(form) }}
{% endblock %} {% block progressBar %}
{% endblock %} {% block customjavascript %} {% endblock %}